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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Melmac Dinnerware Memories and Plastic Candy Molds

melmac memories
Hey, that's me and the old Texasware Bowl my mom and I used when cooking and baking. I still use it today.
Since the inception of this blog, I have received all kinds of wonderful letters and emails about fond memories of melmac dishes, melamine dinnerware, or plastic items used that produce memories. Lots of kind emails thanking me for my blog. Unfortunately for me,  December 15th will mark two years without my mother. I'm okay now, I still have the memories, and I still have the melmac bowls. You see, I come from an Italian family and most of our quality time was spent in our kitchen, cooking.

My Mom and I

I had several kind letters from Joan Luntz's daugther. In case you don't know, she was the designer of Brookpark and married to the President of International Molding.  After that I heard from her granddaughter. They were actually looking to buy some of the dinnerware that Joan designed.  I'm glad I could help preserve some of the wonderful memories of Joan's creations under the Brookpark sections.  Famous parents or not, we all have moms and grandmoms and we all have our memories.

Here's a few ways Melmac has made memories:

These rainboware dishes are the Canadian version of Meladur. They are for sale at

"Rainbow Ware Melmac was made in Buckingham Quebec, Canada - Ironically this is where I was born, my father told me stories about the factory, and knew people who worked there. "  - Kerry, Owner of ArtMyth on Etsy. 

brookpark melmac turkey platter
This Brookpark turkey melamine platter is HUGE. Buy it at
"I still use my Grandma's and it gets used for EVERY Thanksgiving!!!"  Talking about her Brookpark Turkey Platter- Joanie Hinds-Wagner of Vintage Variables on Etsy

Green Melmac Cups
Set of 10 of these olive green cups available at
"Dear Cindy,
My grandmother had the ugliest olive dishes by TexasWare or Allied Chemical, I wasn't sure, but  I remember eating off them as a kid. I always hated those dishes. I read your blog all the time. Can you believe I went out and assembled a set of those ugly dishes. My kids and I eat lunch on them, and I smile because they remind me of her.   - Theresa Powers , California "

Maplex Melmac
Maplex Melmac available at
"To be honest I hated working in the factory when I was younger. I took it over to help my Father later in life. It stank and the workers had to take salt pills because it was so hot in there. The smell, (of the chemicals in) the melmac dishes you could never quite duplicate. " - Paul Rothstein, Last Owner of Maple Leaf Plastics, Inc

texasware melmac bowl
Mom's Bowl: In case you want a bowl like the one Mom and I used, check out this great item from Zenhetty at Etsy (above) for $30. Melmac bowls are functional, useful, and great for cooking. This post is dedicated to my Mom.  She loved to cook, make Italian Meatballs (her meatball recipe here) and believe it or not, was a plastic junkie in her own right.

I never really thought about it, but she had tons and tons of plastic n the form of chocolate and candy molds! Mom would make her own candy.  Sinful Chocolates (a parody of her name Cynthia) was found in the local stores in Danforth, Maine. Do you find it ironic that the love for plastic continues on with me?

Memory Sign
Memory Sign, to use at weddings by
What is your favorite melmac dinnerware or plastic memory? Do you remember your grandfather tinkering with his old Plaskon radio? Did your grandmom wear the gaudiest bakelite jewelry?  Please share your memories with me and I may post them!  Submit your Melmac Memories to me via Etsy or TikTok or Instagram.  Oh, and go hug your mom, NOW.

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