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If you are looking to see how much your melmac is worth, you can read this post. I am sorry that I cannot answer all of your questions - but if you look hard enough on this blog, I think you will find most of your questions answered.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Melmac Hall of Shame Or Not?

melmac dish
Behold: The Pistachio Cat Melmac Dish.

Okay, at first glance I admit, I was appalled that someone would deface precious melmac! Upon closer inspection I realized that this Etsy seller ThreeTangerines is thinking of creative ways to use dishes that just aren't nice enough to use or sell as is.  Turning the plastic into something fantastic, she is re-purposing old melmac dinnerware into something artsy for your home. Better than putting them into a landfill don't you think? As for the cat, well, it's a bit groovy isn't it? What do you think?
Friday, September 9, 2011

Green Artists Reuse Melmac : Welcome to Etsy

Methinks there is a Kenro cup in this "upcycled hanging lamp" available at TotalReclaim. 
I suppose reuse of melmac dinnerware in any way, shape, or form is a good thing.  Keeping previous melamine out of the landfill and repurposing it into something else that can be functional or useful is the mission of some Etsians.   Ahhh, yes, the out of the box thinkers have really done something grand.

Branchell's Colorflyte cup is now a lovely upcycled pincushion at Rescued Offerings.
The pincushions I do see a lot, and really are quite cute and functional for the crafter or someone who sews.  Although the thought of that precious cup getting poked by sharp needles just sort of makes me cringe....

Melmac egg cup is now a pincushion , "stick me gently."  This item by PinzAndNeedlz

Lovely little pink cup in this funky lamp by BenclifDesigns
Then we have the bird feeders which would double as bird baths I should say?   I was thinking these would be a great project for the garden next year. However, I am worried it will just encourage my been-here-as-long-as-me-big-fat squirrel to hang out in my garden more than usual.

Tackled and Shackled of California offers this "trio."
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mushroom Melmac Meets Joey the Bear....Beat Up Creations

Courtesy: BeatUpCreations
I am a huge fan of Angela Rossi's work, she makes sculpture, but also altered art plates in her Beat Up Creations studio. The plates are just wonderful works of art to hang on the wall.   
This is one of the off-brand designs of Sears' Merry Mushroom--with Joey the Bear on it.
The subject of discussion is this Sears Roebuck lookalike of the Merry Mushroom pattern melmac plate (most likely made by an off brand company trying to jump on the mushroom craze bandwagon.) I think it's safe to say, the plate didn't know what on earth hit it when Joey the bear decided to use it for his First Grade photo! It is truly an ephiany in the art world....(by the looks of his shirt, he may have been a class behind me!) 
Joey the Bear: From 1st Grade to Hall of Shame!
Alas, here at Melmac Central where all plastic is loved and adored, it's just plain wrong.  From Mushrooms to Mayhem we have to say bad , bad Joey! Hands off the melmac! Then again, who am I to argue with a bear? 

To see more of Angela's work click here.
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oddity in Melamine : German Newspaper Advertising Ashtray Hall of Shame

DawnAtTheMarket is offering this at a bargain price of $16.

I am sure this was an advertising premium, possibly handed out to employees or the public to encourage readership in the paper the,  "neumarkter nachrichten". I first suspected this may be referring to the pretty village of Newmarkt, Bavaria, Germany but the small region only has less than 40,000 people it seemed odd to me at one time they were handing out advertising premiums to gain readership to their local paper.  I thought can't be....

Well it must have worked. That small paper is a highly respected paper now and has it's own website thanks to the glory of the Internet and no doubt loyal readers from it's ashtrays it gave out decades ago. After all, the bottom of the ashtray reads die komplette information, (complete information!)

I suppose the original thinking was, enjoy a "cig" and read our paper!  Call me a cynic when it comes to encouraging people to snuff out a hot butt on someone's face but that just gives me the creeps.  So, I'm adding this to the Melmac Hall of Shame.  Still a good deal and a RARE piece to add to your melmac collection at the price of only $16. Go buy this thing NOW please!

madpiano said...
Haha - I am from Bavaria and not even too far from Neumarkt. We mainly read local papers in Germany, there are only a couple of nationals, this one is quite a big one as it covers quite a large region. I remember those ashtrays, they weren't given to readers or staff, they were given to restaurants and cafes. It's been a long time ago though. I didn't like these much when I was working as a waitress, they were too big and left no room on the table for the beer!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Boontonware Melmac Meets a Troll : Hall of Shame melamine gravy ladle

I'm sure the seller means well, but I don't know about this wee troll will actually harm or help the sale of this melmac gravy boat.  Once made in Boonton, New Jersey, Boontonware really didn't need the antics of one, scary little beast to fly off the shelves. 
Boontonware Melmac
For only $4.75, you can own this great find (but not the troll) at The Recycled Palace on Etsy.

last checked melmac central quality assurance team 9.30.16
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Melmac Hall of Shame: Kenro Platter

Kenro Melmac
What were the designers of Kenro smoking when this platter was made?
What were the designers of Kenro thinking, when they made this Holiday platter?  Sure, I can see the sixties came and went, but I really think they were reaching here.  The Etsy seller, ILoveVintageStuff has it priced cheap enough , for only $4.99 you could certainly find some use for this fugly platter.  Maybe with deviled eggs all over it, you won't notice the ugly design? Definitely UNIQUE.......

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Last checked for quality assurance 9.30.16