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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Plastic Thanksgiving Wishes

popcorn plastic turkey
Popcorn Plastic Turkey from Diverse Collectibles on Etsy, $22.95

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

pin from etsy
Adorable vintage turkey pin from Etsy shop, Roseluv $6

May you wear fun and funky plastic turkey stuff!

Wheat Melmac Dishes, on Etsy, $15

May you eat off super cool vintage melmac!

melmac turkey platter
Northern Melmac turkey Platter on Etsy at RSWVintage, $24

May your turkey lay upon such itself!

and,  may you end the night catching up on great Melmac Central articles!

Site Update: 
We will be updating the site over the holidays, if it looks funny, we are doing maintenance. Check out our new sister blog "AssembageArt"

assemblage art blog