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If you are looking to see how much your melmac is worth, you can read this post. I am sorry that I cannot answer all of your questions - but if you look hard enough on this blog, I think you will find most of your questions answered.
Monday, March 14, 2011

Rare Air Flite Atomic Melmac by Plastics Incorporated, Saint Paul, Minnesota and Their Demise

This cool creamer and sugar set is a rarity that comes to you from AttysVintage on Etsy.

More modern airline look styling comes to you from long defunct St.Paul Plastics, of Minnesota. They did a lot of  airline ware, perhaps most all the plastic airline dishes circa 1960s-1970s until their demise. This Air-Flite is indicative of modern styling but it is unclear if this was in actually an "airline set" or made for the consumer.
The Air Flite line bears the Plastics St. Paul round circle mark that is on all their wares.
These are brought to you by WillisLisa
Here are normal styled melmac tumblers that were made by Plastics Inc. for National Airlines. Some are "two-tone" but one is older and made of solid color melamine.  If you saw these out and about, you may not realize they were actually airline ware, as they look more like regular plastic bathroom tumblers.  Remember, meals on airlines were just small portions and so the inflight airline ware tends to be a little on the small side.

Sadly what was once a huge plastics company, with offices employing many people both in their Headquarters at 224 Ryan Avenue in Saint Paul, and in their non-unionized Coon Rapids location would soon be gone.   Don Pilla, a union worker, Machinists Lodge 459 died on March 29, 1979 when a truck crossed the picket line and struck him. What is left now, just a parking lot and the memories of a bloody union strike gone bad.

Ironically, Saint Paul, Coon Rapids and other neighboring towns in Minnesota continue to be plastic production hubs and in the United States. In fact, Plastics Incorporated Coon Rapids location which was at 9534 Foley Blvd has continued to serve Plastics companies, one of which being named Tyco Plastics.  

Know of anyone who worked at Plastics Incorporated? Let us know!

You May Like: 
Plastic Living: Airline Ware
Saint Paul Labor History Tour

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hemco , Hemcoware, Hemcolite, Westinghouse Saga - Early Melamine and Melmac Dinnerware

Photo Courtesy of Cathigreen on Etsy!
Hemco Plastics Division 
of Bryant Electric Company
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Hemco's Early Plastics
Hemco was one of the earlier plastic molders who had it's plastics in the form of dinnerware on the market for industrial and consumer use. 

Early examples of Beetleware "mania" included hard plastic kiddie dishes and Mickey Mouse mugs. In Newsweek Magazine circa 1939, Hemco proudly explained they had hundreds of new dies for producing such items.  A small picture of Mickey Mouse next to the article read, "We hired salesman who knew dishes rather than switches and plugs...and almost before we knew it, we had an important new business on our hands."

Kiddie dishes like this were mass produced by Hemco Plastics Division.
In 1943, Modern Plastics reported, "Hemco is molding a wide variety of fighting material. This includes plastic inner helmets, coil forms for military radio, plastic bomb loading funnels, radio parts, fuze noses, airplane instrument cases, ship lighting reflectors....."    Add that to the already evident masses of plastic cups, utensils, divided kiddie dishes,  and kitchen items.
Rare 1939 Hemco Plastics were beautiful in color and styling.  This item was referred to as Beetleware. Credit: MOMA

Hemco's Industrial & Consumer Dinnerware 
Sometime during this entire era, contracts with the aviation industry were also evident for dinnerware.  We can see by viewing these rare early examples made by Hemco (identical to Watertown Ware shapes for the navy) here on fellow researcher Christopher McPherson's wonderful Plastic Living Site.    Fellow researcher Robin Ptacek, an avid collector of early plastics has assembled beautiful collection of early brightly-colored Hemco.  Colors so radiant such as bright reds, greens, yellows and blues are becoming harder and harder to find.  Some of the earlier wares were Beetle, Polystryne, and Melamine.   It is not uncommon to find an old wicker hamper full of a picnic set marked Hemco!
Rare Hemcoware Cups (probably melamine) as offered by Cathigreen on Etsy!
Hemco was Competing with Westinghouse (it's owner)
In 1946, it is stated that through "Plastics Business" the Bryant Electric Company, Westinghouse owns Hemco Plastics Company, a leading custom molder of plastics.   So one must ponder the question was Westinghouse using Hemco to mold it's many radio cases, fan parts, and  washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator parts?

Westinghouse radio by VintageRatz on Etsy.  Makes you wonder was Hemco molding the cases?
What's even stranger, Westinghouse is also doing their own melamine and melmac branded dishes to compete against it's own Hemcoware! Pieces can be found marked Westinghouse, Ovation, Newport, Darien, and more.....
Photo from TheCreekHouse on Etsy showing a Westinghouse backstamp!

Photo and this Westinghouse creamer/sugar set available from TheCreekHouse on Etsy!
Westinghouse's other line "Newport" divided bowl by RetroChalet on Etsy!
Ovation line by Westinghouse offered at JetSetVintage on Etsy!

Hemco's Three Lines of Dinnerware: 

Several brands produced for the Hemco line were marked Hemco, Hemcoware, and Hemcolite.  Curiously, some of these lines were melamine, and others made of a more ridgid polystryene-type material.
This photo from Black Market Antiques, and is that of a "HemcoLite" cup and saucer.

I originally thought that the "Hemcolite" line was indeed the Polystryene line, (hence lighter in weight making it perfect for picnic plastics) but examples with all different backstamps have emerged making me wonder just really was going on.  Of course we may fathom the factory could have "forgotten" to change the backstamps, marking the dishes wrong but that theory was debunked when I read in a Consumer Reports magazine of November 1954, it mentions "Hemcoware" as using "improved polystreyene for its cups."   So just what was melamine and what was polystrene and why was there so much mixing and matching going on?   It's so confusing as some Hemco was Beetleware, Polystryene, or Melamine! Geesh!
Hemcoware Plates, thinner than most 1950's melamine were great for picnic use also, these sold by RetroChalet on Etsy! 
I do have a set of nicely sturdy Hemco dinnerware in my camp in Maine.  They are thicker than these above Hemcoware dinner plates, and resemblant of most 1950's thick melmac.  It is unclear why there were so many variants of Hemco, unless Westinghouse just wanted to cover all angles and all markets, which was probably smart at the time.

Hemcolite cups as offered by ZebrasandBubblegum on Etsy! See below for same molds from Long Island!
Hemco's Molds are Found in Long Island, NY: 
I'm afraid we won't get the answers to these questions, as Hemco molds turned up in Long Island City, NY and are backstamped as such. I have been unable to find out a lot of information, except finding a few rare dolls on this site, dolls circa 1949-1961 which begs the question WHEN during that time did HEMCO PLASTICS sell their molds to PMA Corp?    If you compare they are dead-ringers for Hemco molds, but molded in a polystrene.

The same exact Hemco plates and cups, except made of a cheaper, thinner polystrene were also sold by RetroChalet but backstamped NY Plastic Molded Arts Corp, Long Island NY.  
More from Long Island, NY.

Additional Information: 

Hemco at MOMA 1939 Examples found here

Read about Bryant Electric Company on Wikipedia
History of Bridgeport, Connecticut on Wikipedia
Plastic Molded Arts Corp (doll information)
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shout Out to Three Old Keys on Etsy, Thanks for Featuring Retro Chalet's Plastic Blog

We've been featured! Here at Retro Chalet's Vintage Plastic Blog we appreciate the "hype" of being featured somewhere, and in turn like to "properly thank" LAURIE of  Three Old Keys for featuring us on her blog!

We just love the fact Laurie sent us some love on her awesome blog!
She did a great write up on our plastic blog and coverage of Boontonware Melmac!  In turn we noticed she's offering a bit of Melmac herself in her  Etsy shop ..among some Colorflyte I found this Boontonware!
Lovely Jadite Boontonware at Three Old Keys, we love the fact they are amidst the plastic buttons!

Great use of photography and plastics!
Thanks again Laurie and keep stocking your store with Melmac!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blue Mystery Melmac Melamine Dinnerware Set and More tres' bleuuuuuu Plastic Etsy Finds

Sometimes, even after all these years of collecting melamine and plastics, I see something I can't identify. Take for instance this set, which is a real steal for only $18 from OldSuprises Etsy shop in Chino.   I love the space age curl on the handles of the sugar bowl, and the Jetsons styling of the cup handles.  OH SO RETRO!

The "smooth" styling of the bowls and platter make this ultra functional for any party or picnic event. I can just imagine how popcorn would look in these bowls -- a designer's dream.   Good design and retro styling make this set a real steal.  The seller noticed different numbers on the bases but no maker's mark.  These are most likely numbers assigned to the different pieces or stock numbers on the molds ie: 700 the cup, 707 the salad (thanks to Robin Ptacek who taught me that) So your guess is as good as mine as to who made this, but with this cool price and color, this won't be lasting long.

Like that? Might I suggest:


'Vintage Blue Plastic Fantastic ....Cry Me a River' by RetroChalet

I'm crying because I want all these wonderful items and am putting this on my RetroChalet blog to feature some of the great Etsy offerings.

Set of 5 Dansk GC Gunnar Cyr...

Vintage Royal Blue Melamine ...

Dansk 2 Qt Tall Pitcher in S...

Vintage Royal Blue Lucite Mo...

vintage rubber GARDEN clogs ...

From the Button Box - 15 Vin...

pair of vintage royal blue s...

Lapis Lazuli Costume Necklac...

Cobalt Blue Facetted Bicones...

VIntage Samsonite CONCORD Pe...

Rhythm Tech Tambourine Blue

Blue Ice Bucket

Vintage Rubber Toy Doll

Rubber Hair Dryer Made in It...

Vintage Deep Blue Melmac Lar...
Friday, December 3, 2010

Airline Melmac - Eastern Airlines

I just got these wee melmac shot glasses? in the mail from The Cottage Cheese on Etsy.  I adore them, as they are from Eastern Airlines, but it's not something I normally collect.  There is a reason however....

I can only imagine how many planes used melmac probably from the 40s to the 70s, (some still use it today) but how much of the vintage melamine actually survived.  Think about it, if they changed colors, what did they do with the old sets?  If it got scratchy, where did it go?  Theories are first class had china, the rest had melamine.  This makes it rare and hard to complete whole sets of early airline melamine.  Not to mention you have the "mel-maniacs" and the "airline-aholics" collecting it and so it appears to two different collecting circles.  I would think only airline stewardesses, pilots, and granny with her big purse were able to bring this into the collecting world. 

The reason I bought these wee cups were because I was hoping them to be part of the elusive Northern Industrial Chemical Company's pieces, when they were molding for airlines in the 40's.  I've been trying to find for years. I'll never know of course, because Northern did not mark their airline dishes and it is a proven fact that MANY manufacturers molded for the airlines. 

More on Northern in detail will be on my Russel Wright site soon, so check back.

Information about airline melmac and melamine is found on Christopher McPherson's wonderful site called "Plastic Living."  It is a proven fact that his favorite company, Watertown Lifetime Ware, did a lot of molding for the airlines   and the navy early on, and possibly even beat most if not all manufacturers to the table with melmac dish sets.