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Friday, March 18, 2011

Walmart : Melamine and Melmac Eye Candy Design For Summer 2011

New lines for summer in Walmart Stores now, usually gone by May. 

What is old is new again. The fun vintage dishes of the fifties may have died off in the 1960's, but today melmac is a staple in many homes. Who would have predicted that the fun retro colors and mod styling would circle back again, and again, and again...  Quite possibly Martha Stewart's interest in Melmac in the last 1990's into early 2003, got the ball rolling again.

Bowls, plates, tumblers, and solids mixed with stripes are going to be big this year.
In the 1950's dishes were not cheap. Many people go to the Dollar Store and can pick up a new, made in China melamine dish for $1.  Stores like Target , Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohl's sell designer melamine like Jackie Shapiro and French Bull designs for a pretty penny now-a-days.  Most probably made at the same plants that make the Dollar Store dishes.  In my opinion, the Walmart tends to be best priced for the styles and colors.  This year, most items are ranging under $2 per plate or bowl.   Colors are brights and many solids are present to be mixed with stripes or floral prints.

  I am a vintage diva, however, nothing beats appreciating a great Melmac display.