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Monday, August 20, 2012

Russel Wright Melmac is Back 2012

Yes, that's right, Russel Wright Melamine dinnerware is on it's way back, debuting a new line for 2012. Imagine my shock when designer Michele Yeeles (who has been tight-lipped about the project until now, quietly buying vintage samples from me last year hee hee) told me all about it!
New Russel Wright Melamine
Given to me with permission by Michele.

The irony of it all?  She is owner of the store Bob's Your Uncle, which is located in Boston, Massachusetts. Irony being that is not far from where the original Russel Wright Residential line was produced at the Northern Industrial Chemical Company.  I suppose it was meant to be.

Russel Wright Melmac
Thanks to Google Maps I see that Bob's Your Uncle headquarters is only 1.69 miles from the old Russel Wright Melamine factory. Is this a Boston Curse or just a major coincidence? Call it what you will, it's coming back from the grave.

So a new Russel Wright melmac? Oh my! Imagine my shock when I had to create a new page just for this New Russel Wright Melmac. Since I mainly talk about vintage melmac, I guess you are wondering how do I personally feel about this? Well, I'm so happy I could hug her! First off, that it's being re-created. I truly believe such a wonderful item in design should not be forgotten. I think this will create a new hub-bub among Russel Wright collectors who wish to assemble a whole brand spanking new set, and reinvigorate those who wish to have the authentic vintage as well. The first line? She hints that it's going to be black like the original Black Velvet.  What kind of confusion will this create? Not much if you read the backstamp.  Which makes reading my site all the more valuable! Know your Russel Wright Melmac!

I had an opportunity to interview Michele which I will post in a later post, because this is all so exciting. In the meantime she told me that this past weekend, the samples debuted at her booth at the New York National Gift Fair. Ironic because not much has changed. Back in the day, circa 1950's when new melmac or new lines came out they would debut them at the New York City trade shows or Chicago housewares shows.

Stay tuned, the line should be available by fall 2012.

Russle Wright Melmac Press Release Page 2
Thanks to Michele for providing the two page press release. 

In case you are wondering how Russel Wright Melmac can be reintroduced, the Russel Wright Studios offers licensing information here.  Stay tuned, so much more to come!