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Friday, November 22, 2013

My Interview with TupperDiva

January 63 Tupperware Ad
This is from January 1963, I had it in my ephemera collection. Check out the "real seal".

Here is something I've been sitting on for a year...after carefully restoring a crashed server!  Lucky for me I was able to find this interview! As you know, Melmac Central includes all plastics, not just melmac and melamine.  

You may have even heard me talk about the very informational site TupperDiva which chronicles all things Tupperware (specializing in 1940’s to 1960’s).   Some of her information includes original Tupperware Catalogs available for viewing, original signs, rare ephemera and a special collection of children's toys.  I finally had an opportunity to talk to Tupper Diva herself, in an interview to find out just how this wonderful site emerged. 

Tupperware Caddy
Perhaps a caddy like this got the TupperDiva started?  This, $44.99 from theretroredhead on Etsy

Q: How did this project come about?

A: I developed to share my collection with other Tupperphiles. My collection started when I picked up my first two items in a Modern Shop in Portland Oregon in 1992. They were a Carousel Caddy with Six Tumblers and a set of Wagon Wheel Coasters.

They reminded me of my Stepmother’s extensive collection of Tupperware in our home in the late 60's. As a child I loved Tupperware. It was so pretty and kid friendly. (Glass and ceramic were dangerous and metal cups tasted funny.)

Q: Tell us more about your collection!

A: The foundation of the collection is the earliest items I can find (1940’s), to about 1965. I have well over 1000 items, mostly 1948-1965 era represented and some later items of interest.
Tupperware Catalogs
TupperDiva has a huge selection of vintage Tupperware Catalogs available for viewing.

Q: Why did you decide to offer a free resource for people instead of a paid book?

A: Websites are easier (and cheaper) to grow, can be changed, easy to add to, don't take up space, are easier to distribute, etc. It is free because I get so much more than money from it.  I share something I enjoy. I get lots of nice comments and people share their beautiful stories. It gets referenced in magazines and books. Lots of websites link to it. It is fun.

Q: What is the one thing that most people don't really realize about Tupperware?

A: Using Tupperware greatly reduces the use of plastic. Sounds weird, but reusable Tupperware can greatly reduce the use of plastic wrap, bags and cheap containers that cause such a huge problem for the environment.

Special thanks to Tupper Diva for bringing us a great and free Tupperware archive! Be sure to check out TupperDiva website frequently, where new items and information are always being added. Current features at the time of this post, include original Tupperware signs, Ephemera, and original vintage Tupperware Catalogs that you may browse and read!