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If you are looking to see how much your melmac is worth, you can read this post. I am sorry that I cannot answer all of your questions - but if you look hard enough on this blog, I think you will find most of your questions answered.
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Finding Vintage Melmac Melamine EstateSale.Company For Vintage Plastics

Where to Find Melmac
 Old magazines found at estate sales have great ads!

Melamc and Melamine , or Vintage Plastics, Where Is the Best Place to Find Them ?

I've taken a few month hiatus from this RetroChalet blog, as I was busy with events this summer, and life in general. I'm baccckkk and will be writing about melmac, melamine and more. Stay tuned! But first to answer a lot of messages I've received. The number one question seems to be how to find collections of melmac, or how to get started.   The best places to find vintage melmac and melamine, besides flea markets and thrift stores, I'm a big advocate on Estate Sales!

Thrift Store Melmac Melamine Baltimore
 The Thrift Stores Near Me are Getting Pricey, This One: Joppa Road Baltimore.

There is a new website on the web called Estate Sale Company which pulls estate sales from Facebook, Twitter, and the Web that may be in YOUR AREA. What a better place to look for melmac and melamine than there?  Not to mention find a bunch of other great kitchen or decor items to retro-fy your home. Estate sales are fun and a must-do on my weekends off.  You can sometimes put together a whole pile of plastics for a few bucks!

EstateSale.Company is always adding new estate sales, so never know what you will find.  Generally speaking when the amount of "treasure" left from someone's estate is too overwhelming, an estate sale is had.  Sometimes these are had by professional estate companies or individuals.   You can browse their featured Estate Sales to see if find any "kitchenwares" if you are specifically looking for melmac and melamine. For instance, one sale specifically highlights tools, so that's a must have for the vintage tool collector.

Estate Sale Finds
 It is possible to find a whole set of melmac dishes cheap at an estate sale.

Plastic at Estate Sales 

You can find some great plastic fantastic finds, from antique plastic scoops, to Bakelite jewelry, TexasWare bowls and melamine dinnerware, to retro plastic toys.  I've seen old rubber mats and dish drains (nabbed a pink one!) also.  I also find that most estate sales seem to price plastics and melamines lower than the pottery, ceramic, and china.  Maybe they consider it junk, I don't know, but that's lucky for us and unlucky for them!

Top Five Places to Score Melmac or Melamine or Vintage Plastics

1. Yard Sales    Items can be found cheap and inexpensively.

2.  Church Bazaars  Home of the 25 cent deals

3. Estate Sales Get a whole box for a few bucks

4. Thrift Stores  Getting Pricey but Still Finds to Be Had

5. Etsy or Ebay or Online Antique Malls  Last resort- Dealers will charge near book value

Antiques at Estate Sales
Note: This Auction Coming up October 4th is Loaded with Plastics and is in NY. 

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