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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spaulding Ware Mystery Box

This box is marked "Spaulding Ware."
Hello, what's this? Paper Franks PICKOHIO Etsy Shop was really sweet to let me use this super cool picture of this box, marked "Spaulding Ware" to find out if any of you out there knew what it was.  At first glance it looks to me like a sewing novelty box.  Paper Franks reports when they bought it, the inside had canning lids/supplies in it and as you can see a bit of paint on the lid.

Spaulding Ware made lots of melmac and plastic ware, and here on my Spaulding Ware history page I did find a set of spice shakers which I thought was odd. I heard rumors they made kitchen ware, but this doesn't explain a sewing style box.

As with most plastic companies it is not uncommon they did contract jobs for others, aside from melmac dinnerware. However, what was this contract for? A sewing company? A craft box? A novelty box? A canning jar box?

You never know, do you? It never ceases to amaze me that out of the blue or woodwork something will come up that you just don't see everyday, even after all these years of collecting. For now PaperFranks is enjoying the box but sooner or later it may end up in their PickOhio Etsy shop so keep looking.

Any ideas?