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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spaulding Ware Mystery Box

This box is marked "Spaulding Ware."
Hello, what's this? Paper Franks PICKOHIO Etsy Shop was really sweet to let me use this super cool picture of this box, marked "Spaulding Ware" to find out if any of you out there knew what it was.  At first glance it looks to me like a sewing novelty box.  Paper Franks reports when they bought it, the inside had canning lids/supplies in it and as you can see a bit of paint on the lid.

Spaulding Ware made lots of melmac and plastic ware, and here on my Spaulding Ware history page I did find a set of spice shakers which I thought was odd. I heard rumors they made kitchen ware, but this doesn't explain a sewing style box.

As with most plastic companies it is not uncommon they did contract jobs for others, aside from melmac dinnerware. However, what was this contract for? A sewing company? A craft box? A novelty box? A canning jar box?

You never know, do you? It never ceases to amaze me that out of the blue or woodwork something will come up that you just don't see everyday, even after all these years of collecting. For now PaperFranks is enjoying the box but sooner or later it may end up in their PickOhio Etsy shop so keep looking.

Any ideas?
Thursday, February 17, 2011

More Spaulding : Found in the Original Box by Junk and Howe Etsy Shop Melmac and Melamine Lover's Dream

Spaulding Ware Melmac

Chad over at Junk and Howe sent me these great pictures to share with you all, of an amazing IN THE BOX Spaulding Ware set he has stumbled upon. These dishes were MADE IN THE USA and of course you know how much I adore vintage, and reuse, and items that were made here!   Originally, the set was featured in LIFE magazine and retained for $66.40 for a 55 piece set. Amazing.

Chad says, "I stumbled across your very interesting post about Spaulding and thought I'd at least tell you about a recent Spaulding find of mine: 49 pieces of a 55-piece set, still in the original box."  Chad explains, "Unfortunately, the stamp on the box was been smeared and duct-taped over, so I can't make out a date of delivery. "

He continues, "However, the inventory sheet is on the box, and it has the price of the set: $66.40. 'Advertised in Life Magazine' is also printed on the box, among other copy. "   Chad notes, "It's also a different style than all the other Spaulding stuff I've seen - this set's cups have flat bullet-hole handles."

This sure is a rare find, and gives us hints and clues about Spaulding. Advertising in LIFE magazine was not cheap but proves that from Chicago they would have reached target audiences all over the USA.  Their box design was clever--and well thought out. The colors seem  60's to me, but we know (in reference to my previous post on Spaulding)  that in 1962 the company was kaput or in huge trouble so this has to be earlier than that --I know for a fact they advertised in 1956 because I have an ad from Life.  Chad is right, the design is somewhat off from the other Spaulding ware you see--how clever for them to have different styles, lines and options.  Many melmac manufacturers offered a "premium" line,  and a "non-premium" line which would be not as fancy and be priced less.

Chad's best point is this, "The crazy thing is that with inflation, that set would cost almost $500 today!"      WOW!

Thanks Chad & Julie.  They used to sell on Etsy under Junk and Howe, but when I revisisted them in November 2018 their shop was closed.  Here's just a few things they had featured at one point:

Byrd Tranquil Ware Plastic Set, $18 so great in RED!

King Seely Thermos Set, $24, Atomic!

Find Junk and Howe Here:


Article Updated 11.22.18, Thank you for reading RetroChalet , my melmac  and vintage blog.  Please LIKE  Melmac Dinnerware  on Facebook!  

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