My most recent find, at an antique store, was a crocheted interesting funky plastic bag rug.
When the plastic bug bites, it stings. I don't just look for melmac in thrift stores, antique malls, or rummage sales, I actually pay attention to all things plastic. I recently stumbled upon some great plastic bag rugs, and bought the one above in the Serendipity Antiques Mall, a small multi level mall in old town Shrewsbury, PA for a steal.
These are not exactly rag rugs, but made via crochet quite the same way. I have found out information on them, and talked about them intensively in my most recent podcast episode. Not only is this a great way to reuse vintage plastic bags and keep them out of the landfill, but they come in quite interesting shapes, patterns, and colors. I find them holding up well in my home, better than any mass produced cheap throw rug I can find. This is a great way to recycle plastic and keep these items out the landfill. Enjoy.