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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Plastic is Saving My Dog's Life

bassett hound dog
Plastic (dropper, leash, collar, toys) are currently keeping my dog Buford T. Woo alive.
Thank you Plastic.

I never thought I'd say that especially since the whole dog-food-melamine incident, but today I realized just how essential plastic is and has been in my dog's life.  I'm dealing with the fact my 13 year old basset hound (Mr. Buford T. Woo short for Buford Thaddeus Woo) has colo-rectal cancer. Okay, technically he's 12 years and 8 months.....

Buford underwent a colo-rectal operation having anal glands and a small tumor removed in April 2011 after discovery of a rectal tumor.  We have just been advised it has come back recently, in his two pelvic nodes.
buford woo
Buford has been successfully battling colo-rectal cancer for almost two years.

I should be lucky my faithful friend has lived so long, but to see him strong and healthy and running around is great---he doesn't even have arthritis!  It's an irony for me since the whole reason I started this very plastic blog was when my mom was battling her Colo-Rectal cancer. Sadly, she did not last as long as my dog.  As soon as she passed, my dog was diagnosed with it.  Amazing to think this deadly disease has taken or will be taking everyone I love.

Now in all honesty, Buford has lived a great long life and I've spoiled him so, and for that I'm thankful. There will be no chemo or chemicals, he's already living on borrowed time for goodness sakes. Besides, if you remove the lymph node (which he could very well sustain the operation) chances are the cells will travel elsewhere.  So now I'm happy to report the Woo has gone holistic with natural treatments and with the help of natural remedies, he's now a living case study. He is still healthy and in no pain..for now.

plastic droppers
Plastic droppers like these on Etsy at The Glass Connection help me give my dog his drops

So what about the Plastic? 

Just the other day I realized without my plastic stopper it would be impossible to give him some Dr. Reckeweg's R17 drops and combine healthy vitamins and herbs to boost his system and allow him to live out his days comfortably. No way, no how would a glass dropper work.  Think of how many lives are save with the help of plastic medical supplies. I just realized that.
plastic dog collar
This collar is from Ronkita on Etsy,  much like the one the Woo wears

My Time With Woo Now is Crucial

Without the plastic in his collar I'd be unable to take him for walks as I still do. The plastic retractible leash  I hook to it is essential for doing this.  As long as he's up to it I will continue to exercise him since walking helps oxygenate his cells and enjoy this special time together.

red plastic whamo frisbee wham o frisbee
Red Plastic Wham O Frisbee, $5 at Moderndayvintage on Etsy

His plastic toys he still plays with, I'm not sure why, he's 13 and you would think he'd outgrow them by now. He loves to tug with our 5 year old mini doxies and maybe that's why.  Perhaps it is them playing that keeps him moving around. Moving is good, more oxygenation in his cells. Thank you plastic.

dog crates plastic
This is the one just like what we have, available at DogSupplyNetwork

His plastic crate I brought him home with as a puppy still sits in my basement and I remember looking forever for plastic dog crates just to find that special one when I went to get him. Although it's much too small for him now we still use it taking our cat Masen to the vets, or the mini doxies.

plastic teeth dental etsy the monster of my heart
Dentists love to use plastic, these are acrylic teeth available at TheMonsterofMyHeart on Etsy

Then of course there was that time he ate my plastic night guard and buried it in the yard.  I caught him with it about two years later when he dug it up and ran around with it hanging out of his mouth. I was sure ticked off having to spend another $300 getting one made at my dentists and thought for sure I had lost it. I remember giving him a run for his money that day.....

plastic clock on etsy
Buttermilk Celluloid Clock Available at Wierclock on Etsy

So with heavy heart I watch my plastic clock on the wall and wish I could freeze this moment in time forever because today he's happy and bouncing around and he's still here with me. I almost wish I didn't know that time is limited. I think it's actually harder for the pet owner as we are the ones who must determine when the time is right, if they don't go on their own.  Not to let them suffer of course, but the decision comes with such guilt.   Such is life I suppose. Soon I will be missing him so much more than he will ever know.

plastic bassett hound bank
Basset hound bank in plastic says it all..... on Etsy at nanometer
The moral of this story?
Buy something for your dog (plastic) and go and hug your dog today.