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If you are looking to see how much your melmac is worth, you can read this post. I am sorry that I cannot answer all of your questions - but if you look hard enough on this blog, I think you will find most of your questions answered.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Steri-Lite Plastic STERILITE COMPANY Connections to Tupperware

Sterilite Picnic Set
Sterilite Box with full picnic set For sale at RetroChalet

The Sterilite Corporation

Kudos to Sterilite who is one of the few plastic factories who has withstood the test of time.  The Sterilite Corporation is still in business and started in 1939.  You may or may not realize originally the company started in partnership with Earl Tupper.  (One of the creators of Tupperware.) Imagine that!  All good things come from plastic.   According to the website at the time of today's post, I took this little snippet, . " Sterilite is the largest plastic houseware manufacturing company in North America with seven plants totaling over 12 million square feet'  

I'm glad as a small bbq business owner myself, that a family business has lasted so long. You may not even realize when you are walking through the Wallyworld just how many products they make.  From pull out plastic cabinets to totes and bins,(of which I'm looking at some now that hold my Etsy stock),  their presence in our daily lives is prominent.  For vintage collectors, you may find pieces marked Sterli-Lite or Sterilite.  For the sake of this post, I'm only talking about the picnic sets. They weren't made of melmac, but most likely a Polystyrene plastic.

steri-lite vintage plastics
Inside of an Original Sterilite Picnic Set  at RetroChalet

The picnic sets were quite popular in the 40's and 50's and are a hit with people who had campers. For the working families of the 1950's, having a travel trailer would be the ultimate family vacation.  Picnics were also a huge thing, whether it be in a park for the day or not, these sets were very popular.  Grandparents also enjoyed them, due to the fact they were light weight and pretty and easy to deal with making a quick snack for the grandkids. 

In collecting, some of Sterilite Picnic Sets you will find:  (often unmarked)  Steri-Lite 

1.  RARE TO FIND:  Actual Wicker Wooden Baskets full of Sterilite Picnic Sets - with dishes strapped in and places for plastic sterilite utensils.  Finding a set with all pieces and still mint is rare, but it happens.  I assume utensils would have been easier to break or lose. 

2. RARE TO FIND:  Boxed sets like mine, often called Picnic Sets , rare but out there.  Especially in primary or pastel colors will be most collectible. 

sterilite vintage plastics
This item sold at LSVintageDesign but shows the snakpak, more common and what I often find in the thrift stores. Note the original silverware will be hardest to find.  The box is a rare gem.

STILL COMMON:  SNAK PAKS -(ABOVE) These pieces are more common and popular, and easy to find.  Often these were four rounded picnic plates with indents in the center to hold the cup.  A big hit with moms with kids.   Finding the original box is not as common and considered rare. I have not seen one in years. 

UNCOMMON:  The picnic sets still sealed in plastic bag sets.  Most often I think these were found in the dime stores of the 1970's and maybe into the 1980's, they came in a bag with graphics.  If you are lucky enough to find one unopened, that's impressive.  Often they were opened, and used, and floating around in flea markets. 

Other manufacturers of simliar vintage picnic sets: 

INGRID - Big for their party balls. 

TUCKER - Often looks much like Sterilite

JERYWIL - Often rectangular 

REGALINE - Simliar to the SnakPaks

Mod PIcnic Set

This STERILITE set from HipFindsCo, is most likely a 70's-80's set, shaped much like INGRID party balls. This a prime examle of Sterilite staying on top their game!

Back to my set, the funky bright colors make this set a rare find and a real gem. You can see how the original set was packaged by the manufacturer, carefully thought out. In this original box, there is a premade slot for display and actually thin kraft like paper in between the pieces.  This would have displayed nicely in a retail store. 

Sterilite vintage plastics
Rare original stickers say this can withstand scalding water! Pic: RetroChalet

The rarest of rare, is the original stickers still on these little cups.  It says they can withstand scalding water but does say to avoid ovens and any surfaces with open flames.  As you know, tea was quite popular as was coffee back in those days and one of the problems in melmac collecting is often the unsightly coffee stains.  Additionally, when I looked closely at the yellow plate in my set, I could see swirling which is a super cool part of the molding process. 

This set is a rare find in the original box. I picked it up years ago at an antique mall in Pennsylvania. The dealer had cleaned out an old hardware store, and I assume these would have been sold in the picnic or camper section. It stood in a dusty attic of the store for years, and thanks to the strength of the plastic, it withstood the test of time.  I hate to part with it, but I'm making a huge move cleaning out some of my precious plastics. 

It's currently offered for $125.00 and free shipping but to my readers you can use code RETRO10 at checkout to take 10% off.  Find it here:

Do you own any Sterilite? Let me know!

If you like this post, Read about INGRID's party balls here. 

This Post Sponsored by: 

Retro Chalet Studio: Natural Home Decor

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Vintage Plastic Halloween Collectibles


Vintage Plastic Halloween Pumpkins, Space Age Collectibles
Space Age Antiques has these great vintage plastic pumpkins, $14.95

Vintage Plastic Halloween Collectibles

What's as great as melmac and perfect for the Halloween season? Well, plastic vintage halloween collectibles of course, here's a list of our top five picks from Etsy this season.  Amazing so many of these survived!  Be sure to tune in to our Living a Vintage Life podcast, on all major networks!

Above: For only $14.95 you can get these MIP original little vintage plastic pumpkins. The graphics on the bag are lovely and to find these mint in the package from the 70's is amazing.   They would be great vintage collectibles in your home!

Melted Plastic Halloween Decorations on Etsy by Mamas Junkyard GIrl
Mama's Junkyard Girl offers this for $28

Missy over at Mama's Junkyard Girl found this great vintage pumpkin, these melted plastic window decorations were a huge thing when I was growing up. Over the years some broke and are becoming harder to find  I just love the vintage Halloween ones!

Vintage Halloween Squeaker Toy
SweeTootHorrorshop found this for $15

SweeTootHorrorshop is primarily all vintage Halloween items, we could get lost there but found this adorable little pop up pumpkin scary toy for only $15.  This is rare and hard to find and would look great in your vintage home!

Vintage Plastic Skeletons found on Etsy
DIY Spooky Crafts with these ten little skeletons available at TinselTrading on Etsy

DIY is huge and you can make garland, or wrap these around a fork/knife/spoon setting on your table, spook up the dinner table with these adorable little skeletons. They come in lots of ten pieces from Tinsel Trading on Etsy, for only $10

Witches Head Vintage Halloween CoveTableCuriousities
CoveTableCuriousities never ceases to amaze me

This witchy soft plastic doll head is waiting for you to buy her for only $18, for your DIY Halloween, if you are crafty...  Make something grand!

Dogs Horses Sweatshirt by SDIKHERMD on Etsy
Dogs and Horses sweatshirt by SDIKHERMD on Etsy

I wanted to give a shoutout to this Etsy shop who makes great apparel and gifts, who sponsors my podcast. Please check them out, here's my top pick!

You may also enjoy my podcast on Haunted Houses


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Three Years Melmac Central Blogversary

Pic: Plastic Three, at Honey and Bear on Etsy
Hey, I'm three!

Thank you to everyone for three lovely years here at Melmac Central. I really didn't know that so many people would think melmac and melamine would be so very cool and fun when I started writing.  But almost a quarter of a million views later (now approaching 250,000 visitors) three years in your lovely comments and letters and calls about melmac keep me writing.

texas ware
My mom was 21 when she had me. We spent time baking in the kitchen in our melmac bowls.

This just goes to prove you should start a blog and write about something you love. Writing can really be a stress relief.  Some of you may know I started the blog when my mom was diagnosed with colorectal cancer three years ago, which kept my mind busy to focus on something -- even after I lost her.  I would revisit the blog a few times a month, do some research and post some pictures of things I loved.  I would remember the happy times we were cooking in the kitchen, in her big Texasware melmac bowls. I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote....and here I am.

So today I just wanted to say thanks for reading. it means a lot to me.  I've answered some of your questions below. I'm working on some great new things for this site including some great interviews and working on a  sister site called the Melmac Encyclopedia where you can find reference material in one place, and even want to have a Melmac Giveaway soon! So, tell your friends and get me over the quarter million mark, so I can keep writing!

In the meantime, enjoy this rainbow of Melmac love,  and read some of my most popular articles.


Pic: Etsy, Evergreen Lane See Details Below
These red hot Dallasware place settings were made by the Plastics Manufacturing aka the makers of Texasware. The seller , Evergreen Lane has three piece sets on Etsy for $18.50. Red seems to be one of the harder colors in melmac to find, and it's super cool.

You can read all about Texas Ware Melamine  on my site, or  take the Texas Ware Factory tour here.

Q: How long do your posts take?  Janet - South Carolina

A: Some posts take over an hour if I'm researching, some take days.  This one took almost two hours because I'm doing a lot of links and want to make sure they are right!


Pic: Etsy, Peach Parlor see details below.
Peach Parlor Vintage on Etsy has this great Branchell Color-Flyte orangy melamine set for $28! You get the sugar, creamer, salt and pepepr and bowl. The sugar doesn't have a lid but the value is in the sahkers and party bowl alone! What a fun theme for a party. 

You can read all my posts on Color-Flyte and Branchell here. 

Q: Do the people pay you to be featured on your blog for instance the selections and if not how do you select them?   Charlotte - New York

A: No, I find all the items I like myself and add them in. If someone has sponsored my post it's usually a compmany who may compensate me to add in their link, or which I must telll people in the bottom of my post. I select my content based on pictures and rarity of the item and mostly try to support Etsy sellers. This is the way to keep the crap off my blog!

Oneida Melmac
Pic: Etsy RetroChalet see below
I usually go for bright yellows but today it's mellow sixties funky yellow by Oneida Deluxe. The sugar and creamer are $12.95 at RetroChalet on Etsy and of coruse I love it because of the I Dream of Jeannie style sugar bowl. It's so retro.

Read all my posts on Oneida here of which primarily I wrote about Kids Oneida dishes, as they were very common, their history and value. 

Q: If you didn't collect Russel Wright Melamine what line would you collect?  April - California

A: Boonton! I just like the fact it was well made, and Jersey is close to Maryland so, you have to stick with the hometown theme...


Etsy Find at KitschyVintage
Pic: Etsy KitschyVintage See below

I went with dark green pick since KitschyVintage on Etsyhas found the perfect use for this Boontonware melmac bowl. It's a hard to find divided bowl in dark green. Originally these had lids but often were misplaced and hard to find, and for $18 is well worth it!  This particular bowl is from the Boonton Belle line  (designer Belle Kogan) .

Read all about Boonton here.  See Part 2 of My Boontonware Factory Tour. I'm working on moving Part One over soon!

Q: If you didn't collect Russel Wright Melamine what line would you collect?  April - California

A: Boonton! I just like the fact it was well made, and Jersey is close to Maryland so, you have to stick with the hometown theme...


Peace traveler on Etsy added a Stash to the Creamer
Pic: etsy, Peace Traveler see below

For this I had to pick the creation of Peace Traveler. They took an old Prolon Creamer and put a Mustache on it! I know, how cool is that, giving it a cute and hip new look.  Only $6, what a steal. Their shop is super cool, they put mustaches on lots of things.  As for the creamer, this is part of the Prolon Line.

You can read my posts on Prolon here, or read my post about Prolon Lunch Trays.

Q:  How do I clean my Melmac?  Sue Ellen - Idaho 

A:   I wrote a whole article on Cleaning Melmac here on Squidoo.

Miss Ruthies on Etsy has this great purple melmac set
Pic: Etsy, Miss Ruthies see below

Normally the first thing that comes to mind is Royalon melmac as this was very popular Purple colored melmac sold everywhere, but in this case I went with the underdog. Purple in general is hard to find in melamine, and this set at Miss Ruthies on Etsy is the cat's meow.   It is typical California ware, probably made at Pacific Plastics, as you can tell by the cat eye handles. I love this, and finding a set in all purple in a complete set is SUPER RARE. Miss Ruthies has this set priced at $75 and for a collector that's a great set to acquire.

Read about the tour of California Melamine here, or pick a California molder to read more about:  Laguna, Capac, Miramar .

Q: What is my melmac worth ?  Jane - Wisconsin

A: I can't tell you that. Melmac is subjective based on color, condition and manufacture. Truth is I've seen the market go nuts over the past 20 years. There are so many makers, names, brands, and it all comes down to supply and demand. If you search Etsy and Ebay and see a billion cups and saucers just like yours, chances are you aren't going to get top dollar. However you will get a median starting point based on asking prices.  Sometimes I think the value is in the condition and finding the right person who needs those pieces.   Sounds like great subject material for a new post...

Thanks for three great years. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Plastic is Saving My Dog's Life

bassett hound dog
Plastic (dropper, leash, collar, toys) are currently keeping my dog Buford T. Woo alive.
Thank you Plastic.

I never thought I'd say that especially since the whole dog-food-melamine incident, but today I realized just how essential plastic is and has been in my dog's life.  I'm dealing with the fact my 13 year old basset hound (Mr. Buford T. Woo short for Buford Thaddeus Woo) has colo-rectal cancer. Okay, technically he's 12 years and 8 months.....

Buford underwent a colo-rectal operation having anal glands and a small tumor removed in April 2011 after discovery of a rectal tumor.  We have just been advised it has come back recently, in his two pelvic nodes.
buford woo
Buford has been successfully battling colo-rectal cancer for almost two years.

I should be lucky my faithful friend has lived so long, but to see him strong and healthy and running around is great---he doesn't even have arthritis!  It's an irony for me since the whole reason I started this very plastic blog was when my mom was battling her Colo-Rectal cancer. Sadly, she did not last as long as my dog.  As soon as she passed, my dog was diagnosed with it.  Amazing to think this deadly disease has taken or will be taking everyone I love.

Now in all honesty, Buford has lived a great long life and I've spoiled him so, and for that I'm thankful. There will be no chemo or chemicals, he's already living on borrowed time for goodness sakes. Besides, if you remove the lymph node (which he could very well sustain the operation) chances are the cells will travel elsewhere.  So now I'm happy to report the Woo has gone holistic with natural treatments and with the help of natural remedies, he's now a living case study. He is still healthy and in no pain..for now.

plastic droppers
Plastic droppers like these on Etsy at The Glass Connection help me give my dog his drops

So what about the Plastic? 

Just the other day I realized without my plastic stopper it would be impossible to give him some Dr. Reckeweg's R17 drops and combine healthy vitamins and herbs to boost his system and allow him to live out his days comfortably. No way, no how would a glass dropper work.  Think of how many lives are save with the help of plastic medical supplies. I just realized that.
plastic dog collar
This collar is from Ronkita on Etsy,  much like the one the Woo wears

My Time With Woo Now is Crucial

Without the plastic in his collar I'd be unable to take him for walks as I still do. The plastic retractible leash  I hook to it is essential for doing this.  As long as he's up to it I will continue to exercise him since walking helps oxygenate his cells and enjoy this special time together.

red plastic whamo frisbee wham o frisbee
Red Plastic Wham O Frisbee, $5 at Moderndayvintage on Etsy

His plastic toys he still plays with, I'm not sure why, he's 13 and you would think he'd outgrow them by now. He loves to tug with our 5 year old mini doxies and maybe that's why.  Perhaps it is them playing that keeps him moving around. Moving is good, more oxygenation in his cells. Thank you plastic.

dog crates plastic
This is the one just like what we have, available at DogSupplyNetwork

His plastic crate I brought him home with as a puppy still sits in my basement and I remember looking forever for plastic dog crates just to find that special one when I went to get him. Although it's much too small for him now we still use it taking our cat Masen to the vets, or the mini doxies.

plastic teeth dental etsy the monster of my heart
Dentists love to use plastic, these are acrylic teeth available at TheMonsterofMyHeart on Etsy

Then of course there was that time he ate my plastic night guard and buried it in the yard.  I caught him with it about two years later when he dug it up and ran around with it hanging out of his mouth. I was sure ticked off having to spend another $300 getting one made at my dentists and thought for sure I had lost it. I remember giving him a run for his money that day.....

plastic clock on etsy
Buttermilk Celluloid Clock Available at Wierclock on Etsy

So with heavy heart I watch my plastic clock on the wall and wish I could freeze this moment in time forever because today he's happy and bouncing around and he's still here with me. I almost wish I didn't know that time is limited. I think it's actually harder for the pet owner as we are the ones who must determine when the time is right, if they don't go on their own.  Not to let them suffer of course, but the decision comes with such guilt.   Such is life I suppose. Soon I will be missing him so much more than he will ever know.

plastic bassett hound bank
Basset hound bank in plastic says it all..... on Etsy at nanometer
The moral of this story?
Buy something for your dog (plastic) and go and hug your dog today.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome to the Melmac Center : Russel Wright Melamine Ephemera at it's Finest Shows Rarities in Modern Design

Update: January 27, 2012: Mr. Melmac aka Robin Thorne has identified lots of new patterns! 

Not only do I love the Melmac of the 50's but the advertising too.  This ad is from one of my Etsy customers, who is enjoying their melmac dishes I sold them in their travel camper. I must say, they were very smart as they found a perfect match in Boonton's maroon and Meladur's burgundy.  I would not have thought of mix matching the two but they worked!


What I love most about old ephemera, is learning new clues.  I don't know what year this ad was from, but I think I' would have estimated it at 1953-1955, but I stand corrected by plastics great Christopher McPherson ! UPDATE: He has one very similiar if not exact from 1957.  So there you have it.

 I do know Russel Wright's Residential was really being advertised a lot in 1953-1954.  There seemed to be a huge campaign by Cyanamid for advertising the super duper Melmac dishes around this time.  I'm sure that companies may have paid to be included in their "Melmac Center" ads, as many different ones exist and sometimes the manufacturers will change.   We can also date the ad around the early 50's due to two other reasons a) the fab colors used and b) the 2 digit zip code. (by the early 60's the zip codes were changed.)

What I'm shocked at is in my opinion a lot of the dishes here are considered rare and hard to find now. Something so plentiful then, is dried up now. Rare in the sense that in my 20+years of collecting I've not seen enough of the below starred items to make an entire set.  To me, that's rare.

Obviously I'm not counting the dishes behind her. Be sure to click the hyperlinks to see "real melmac examples"!

First Row: 

Brookpark Modern Design  Update: Robin aka Mr. Melmac says, "This is the famous TROPICANA PATTERN in orange! This also came in turquoise, tan, red, and yellow although the orange and turquoise were by far the most popular." ( See a set similar here.)


Classic*(by Mallory, this is rare and hard to find,  If you are looking for other Mallory go here.)

Lucent Update: Robin aka Mr. Melmac says "Spring Bouquet by designer Raymond Lowey for Lucent, this is very rare indeed!"  (You may also like  Evening Song which is most often found Lucent also by Raymond Lowey)

Second Row: 

Holiday (by Kenro)

Branchell* (Branchell is common with their Color-Flyte lines, but this pattern, Button Flower is a rare pattern. See it here.)

Harmony House    Update: Robin aka Mr. Melmac says "This is a popular pattern called Woodland!"
Fostoria Melmac is hard to find much less this awesome champagne bubble pattern! Update: Robin aka Mr. Melmac says "This is one of my favorites called Kismet. There was a popular MGM musical by the same name at the time references the middle east. These are a little like moque domes, but also abstract and remind me some of the logos of the time like the ones for US Steel and Alcoa! Pure whimsy! "

Row Three: 

Prolon  Update: Robin aka Mr. Melmac says "This Prolon Florence pattern is called "Blue Poppy". I bought a complete set in Palm Springs about 20 years ago for $12--a steal today! It's heavy duty and often you will see this in brochures and articles."


Russel Wright (Residential)

Lifetime (Watertown. I have never seen this pattern. Where have I been?)

Row Four:

Newport  (by Westinghouse)

Melmac Tag* these have care and cleaning tips and were included with sets.

Royalon* (Marcrest is common but this pattern isn't. Most often you see Royalon's Corsage. See it here and just for the record, I've always been confused why it says Marcrest styled by Royalon, no doubt just to sound fancy...)

Durawear (not to be confused with Duraware!)

So I consider 8 of these patterns to be rare.
Russel Wright obviously got special treatment. Not to mention a RetroChalet fave!

What's even better is that you could obtain clues by these old ads. For instance, why is the tiny tag on Russel Wright's Residential the only one that has a second name on it....  Everything else just has one line, but Russel Wright's name being associated with his design was imperative.  Note how his card is "special."  I rest my case.

What about the fact you could mail away a quarter and get a little melmac book?  How adorable.  What about the fact you could TRUST sending your "coin" away?  I so want to live back then. The two digit zip code is what I noticed right away.  Sometimes a silly old ad can be our best clues of what existed, and when.  Or clues to what else we may not have found...just yet!
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blow Molded Plastic Toys and Injection Molded Collectibles, Broken Down in Easy Language

Blow Mold Kewpies from HeyYoYo on Etsy

Blow molding and injection molding is an altogether different monster than the molding that was used in making melamine dinnerware.  Most factories of yesteryear that molded plastics had to do several types of molding. The "Plastics Encyclopedias" were left behind to give us clues as to what these defunct companies did. In the back of each, it would list the molder and their machines, and what type of capacities they could handle.  Molding machines used to be huge, bulky, metal, and consist of cavities made of metal or steel wherein the plastics would be poured, injected, or blown in to form the item. Here we will talk about both Injection Molding and Blow Molding, and see videos from right inside the factory!

Blow Molds / Blow Molding

Halloween Blow Molds as offered by OnePreciousThing

Blow molds in the vintage life are most often remembered as the Halloween style lights, hollow kewpie dolls, and "big piggy banks."  United States Company AJ Renzi was still producing these big banks not too long ago.

A big AJ RENZI piggy bank I sold awhile back at RetroChalet.

According to Wikipedia, "Blow molding, also known as blow forming, is a manufacturing process by which hollow plastic parts are formed. In general, there are three main types of blow molding: extrusion blow molding, injection blow molding, and stretch blow molding."

Tour the Factory: Watch this cool video on Blow Molding!

Injection Molding & Injection Molded Plastic Toys

Photo: Fred Blood.  Adorable injection molded astronaut. See a ton of these way cool injection molded" MOLD-A-RAMA figures at Fred Blood's Moldaramaville Site

Adorable Cowboys and Indians offered by OopseeDaisie

I think my best memory of injection molded plastics was my cup of colored cowboys and indians, just like the ones above. (That's right, I was a tomboy.) If you must know, injection molding is a way of "squirting plastic into a cavity mold" and voila, oout comes cowboys and indians. Technically speaking, Wikipedia explains it as " Material is fed into a heated barrel, mixed, and forced into a mold cavity where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the mold cavity.1

Cake Decorations offered by RiverWest
Early on, this was a quick and easy way to mass produce items such as dimestore toys in bulk, kitchen measuring cups, travel cups and novelties, and even cake decorations.....  What I love most is thinking I've seen it all and something like this comes along. There's no doubt in my mind the black was injected into the bangle and thanks to the seller's clear photographs you can see where this happened. 
Never seen one of these as offered by FavoriteCollectibles indicates it's a rare injection molded dot Bakelite bangle.  How cool is this?  

Tour the Factory: Watch this cool video on Injection Molding!

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