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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Vintage Plastic Halloween Collectibles


Vintage Plastic Halloween Pumpkins, Space Age Collectibles
Space Age Antiques has these great vintage plastic pumpkins, $14.95

Vintage Plastic Halloween Collectibles

What's as great as melmac and perfect for the Halloween season? Well, plastic vintage halloween collectibles of course, here's a list of our top five picks from Etsy this season.  Amazing so many of these survived!  Be sure to tune in to our Living a Vintage Life podcast, on all major networks!

Above: For only $14.95 you can get these MIP original little vintage plastic pumpkins. The graphics on the bag are lovely and to find these mint in the package from the 70's is amazing.   They would be great vintage collectibles in your home!

Melted Plastic Halloween Decorations on Etsy by Mamas Junkyard GIrl
Mama's Junkyard Girl offers this for $28

Missy over at Mama's Junkyard Girl found this great vintage pumpkin, these melted plastic window decorations were a huge thing when I was growing up. Over the years some broke and are becoming harder to find  I just love the vintage Halloween ones!

Vintage Halloween Squeaker Toy
SweeTootHorrorshop found this for $15

SweeTootHorrorshop is primarily all vintage Halloween items, we could get lost there but found this adorable little pop up pumpkin scary toy for only $15.  This is rare and hard to find and would look great in your vintage home!

Vintage Plastic Skeletons found on Etsy
DIY Spooky Crafts with these ten little skeletons available at TinselTrading on Etsy

DIY is huge and you can make garland, or wrap these around a fork/knife/spoon setting on your table, spook up the dinner table with these adorable little skeletons. They come in lots of ten pieces from Tinsel Trading on Etsy, for only $10

Witches Head Vintage Halloween CoveTableCuriousities
CoveTableCuriousities never ceases to amaze me

This witchy soft plastic doll head is waiting for you to buy her for only $18, for your DIY Halloween, if you are crafty...  Make something grand!

Dogs Horses Sweatshirt by SDIKHERMD on Etsy
Dogs and Horses sweatshirt by SDIKHERMD on Etsy

I wanted to give a shoutout to this Etsy shop who makes great apparel and gifts, who sponsors my podcast. Please check them out, here's my top pick!

You may also enjoy my podcast on Haunted Houses


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